An evergreen tree with red fruits when ripe, contains potentially harmful ingredients such as caffeine. However, one of the latest scientific studies indicated a decrease in the percentage of people with type 2 diabetes among those who drink coffee, especially decaffeinated coffee. It also has negative effects on temporary memory ...

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It Is A Long Established Fact That A Reader Will Be Distracted By The Readable Content Of A Page When Looking At Its Layout.

It Is A Long Established Fact That A Reader Will Be Distracted By The Readable Content Of A Page When Looking At Its Layout.

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An evergreen tree with red fruits when ripe, contains potentially harmful ingredients such as caffeine. However, one of the latest scientific studies indicated a decrease in the percentage of people with type 2 diabetes among those who drink coffee, especially decaffeinated coffee. It also has negative effects on temporary memory. The BBC Radio published on its website on 20 July 2004 the news of a study from the International School of Advanced Studies in Italy saying that caffeine can hinder temporary memory and remember some names. Therefore, students are advised to avoid drinking coffee, tea, coca and other things that contain caffeine always, especially on exam days.


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